Sunday, March 8, 2009

Financial Crisis

America's economic downfall isn't just a national crisis, it's a global one affecting millions of people around the world. We are all in the same boat and we are all affected by this economic state in one way or another. I hope that soon this is all over. When I was young, I didn't even pay attention to these things. If the US was in a rut, I wouldn't know about it and frankly, it was kind of nice. Nowadays, I worry about these kind of things. It's hard to turn on the TV without hearing depressing information about the economy. As I write this, the television in my parents' room is talking about economic hope... which I suppose is better than statistics about national debt but nonetheless, it's about the economy. I do think that the economy will recover relatively soon however; maybe in the next year or so and, like I said, I hope this is the case. This economy is no fun...... no fun at all.

Shah, Anup. "Global Financial Crisis." Global Issues. 2 March 2009. 8 March 2009. <>.

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